Friday, October 26, 2007

Sample Of Tlcs Baby Baby Baby

holidays, finally! A German author

Dopo otto lunghe settimane ecco infine alcuni giorni di vacanze. Neapprofittiamo bene. A presto e Buone vacanze.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Prepaid Cell With Sim Usa

Nuovo libro

Η αιχμάλμωτη Σπαρτιάτισσα

Κατά τη διάρκεια τησ εκστρατείας στη μήλο The Glathkos, A YOUNG Athenian warrior captures tnn Toth Spartiatn daughter of King Miloth, Lida ....

Un romanzo storico in greco moderno. All'epoca della presa dell'isola di Mélos, Cimon cattura una principessa spartana, Laïs. Dopo la battaglia la sua principessa sparisce, ahimè ...

Title: Η αιχμάλωτη

Publisher: Σαββαλας

Where: RG EAI

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Kitten Has Heart Palputations

Christine Nöstlinger is a German novelist born in Vienna in 1936. Work with newspapers, magazines, and also works for radio. He wrote his first novel in 1976, has written a dozen books for children who have received numerous Prezzi in Austria, Germania e nei Paesi Bassi.

Libri di Christine Nöstlinger nella nostra biblioteca

Qualified Plan 1975

"Pfui Spinne! »1980

That feuerrote Friederike 1974

Maikäfer fliegen! 1980

gherkin king Fuck ( Dutch ) 1973

Catastrophe! ( Français ) 1989


Offizielle Website von Christine Nöstlinger


Una page in italiano nella « Biblioteca di Sofia »