Friday, November 30, 2007

What Brand Of Bow Was In Blade Trinity

Rainbows End

Per gli amatori di fantascienza :

L'ultimo libro di Vernor Vinge : Rainbows End (Hugo Award 2007) se puo leregere gratuitamente su Internet a quest'indirizzo

Da leggere assolutamente
( fotogafia : Wikipedia )

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Premarin Breast Enlargement


Oggi nel Die Welt


Nanotechnologie ist Experten nicht geheuer

Von Rolf H. Latusseck Biotechnologien und Stromerzeugung mittels Atomspaltung stoßen in der Öffentlichkeit oft auf starke Ablehnung. Genau das Gegenteil geschieht jetzt mit der Nanotechnologie. Eine aktuelle Umfrage zeigt: Forscher sehen in der neuen Technik mehr Gesundheits- und Umweltgefahren als Laien.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Does Walmart Sell Car Light Bulbs

Sul sito Tail Rank potete seguire l'attualità dei blogs. Quale sono gli eventi più popolari e più commentati... Potete creare anche un conto personale che permette di selezionare i posts in funzione dei vostri centri di interesse.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How To Put A Snow Plow On Your Rc Car

New Tailrank books in the library

Captain W.E. Johns - Biggles Defies the Swaztika – Red Fox, 2003 (RG Johns)

Tim Bowler - River boy – Oxford University Press, 2001 (RG Bowler)

G. Verga - I Malavoglia – Oscar Mondadori, 2007 (853 Verga)

Les Ombres de Peter Pan – Mnémos, 2004 (RA COM)

W.B. Yeats - Selected Poems – Peuguin, 2000 (821 Yeats)

John Cornwell - Hitler's Scientists : Science, War and the Devil's Pact
Penguin, 2003 (509 COR)

Nancy Huston - Instruments des ténèbres – J’ai lu, 2006 (RA Huston)

John Bellairs - The Curse of the Blue Figurine – Penguin, 1983 (RG Bellair)

Danuta Gałyga - Ach, ten język polski! - Universitas, 2003 (491.8 GAL)

Stanisław Kowalewski - Czarne okna – Siedmioróg, 2000 (RG Kowalewski)

Natalie Jane Prior - Lily Quench e il faro di Skellig Mor – Giunti, 2006 (RG Prior)

Cesco Tomaselli - La corrida delle balene – Touring Club Italiano, 2004 (591.5 TOM)

Garth Nix - Lirael – Harper Collins, 2001 (RG Nix)

Daniel Roche - Storia delle cose banali – Editore Riuniti, 2002 (390 ROC)

Marco ArmieroStefania Barca - Storia dell’ambiante – Carocci, 2004 (372.3 ARM)

Henning Mankell - I cani di Riga – Marsilio, 2003 (RA I Mankell)

Marcel Mauss - Saggio sul dono – Einaudi, 2002 (301 MAU)

Stefano Zecchi - Amata per caso –Oscar Mondatori, 2003 (RG I Zecchi)

Jason Goodwin - Greenback – Penguin, 2004 (332.4 GOO)

Oscar Wilde - Obraz Doriana Graye – Klokan, 2005 (823 Wilde)

Joe Haldeman - The Forever War – Orion, 2004 (RA Haldeman)

R. Scott Bakker - The Darkness That Comes Before – Orbit, 2005 (RA Bakker)

J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mêlé – Gallimard (RG Rowling)

Stéphanie Benson - Cavalier seul – L’Atalante, 2001 (RA Benson)

Marita Conlon-McKenna - Miracle Woman – Bantam Books, 2002 (RA Conlon )

Vitamin For Nail Growth

Today on BBC news

Amazon debuts digital book reader

Online retailer Amazon has unveiled an own-brand wireless electronic book reader called Kindle.
The paperback-sized device is on sale immediately in the US for $399 (£195). It can store up to 200 books in its onboard memory.
Kindle does not need a PC to be loaded with books, blogs or papers - instead content arrives via wireless.
Amazon said 90,000 books, including bestsellers priced at $9.99, were available for Kindle at launch.

Vai a BBC News

Chetna And Prithviraj Mysore

New Book - Astronomy

Stelle e pianeti

Un piccolo libro di astronomia per i giovani lettori. Molte immagini e disegni, commenti chiari ed abbastanza completi.

Sulla copertina :
« Scopri con noi i segreti del cielo notturno e diurno. Riconosci le costellazioni dell'estate e dell'inverno. Memorizza la posizione delle stars and their names fascinating. Learn to observe the Sun and the Moon and its phenomena. Find the explanation of the rainbow and of eclipses. Retrace the steps of astronomy: the oldest of the sciences "

Title: Stars and Planets
Publisher: St. Paul
Where: 523 MAS

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Marketsphere Unclaimed Property Is It Legit


Elsevier is the largest news weekly in the Netherlands. Your library subscribes.

The magazine's website
----------------------------------------- -----
Elsevier today:

  • Verantwoording EU-uitgaven niet in orde'
  • De Europese Rekenkamer is niet tevreden over de verantwoording van de uitgaven van de Europese Unie in het afgelopen jaar. De rekenkamer kan niet goed beoordelen of het EU-geld volgens de regels is besteed.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Is There A Demolition Derby Game For Wii

A thought for Finland

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Gerber Toilet And Fluidmaster Kit

The World Clock

Il WorldClock vi tiene informato dello stato di salute del Mondo. Quanti feriti in un incidente di automobile oggi, quanto dei nuovi malati della malaria questo anno, quante malattie cardiovascolari questo mese?

Segnalato per il signore Denigot