Friday, February 12, 2010

How To Build Toy Boat How To Build Toy Boat

incentives to emit less CO2

E 'finished, after two years, the program "Personal carbon allowance tracking scheme" ( PACT), organized in Britain by WSP Environment & Energy to encourage their employees to be more 'green.
Who, in the year, unable to use public transport, consuming less paper and plastic and is more 'attention to energy saving receive a financial bonus payroll (100 pounds).
The 650 employees who have joined the initiative are managed to reduce its emissions by 10%.

Giantchanging Pedals

M'illumino less

is celebrated today throughout Italy, the sixth edition of "M'illumino less," Energy Saving Day was launched by Caterpillar radio show, broadcast on Radio 2. This year's invitation to observe a symbolic "energy silence" becomes an invitation to a party `s clean energy, and also participates in Abruzzo with many events throughout the region.
The organizers want to focus on awareness of citizens with respect to renewable energy and has launched an appeal to compete in the green economy by adopting a clean system to turn with all the lights. In the squares of all Italy will turn off lights powered by renewable energy or virtuous creative demonstrations of efficient consumption, for a "more enlightened management of our future."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chronotherm Iv Plus Trouble Shooting

Ecosia, the search engine that saves the environment

Ecosia It's called the new search engine that is in competition with Google. The project stems from the collaboration of WWF, Yahoo and Bing, who have begun the research on the day of the Copenhagen summit. Ecosia unlike other search engines, search engine is an independent non-profit organization, which donates most of his gains, derived from research carried out by users, the protection program of the Rainforest WWF in fact with any research based on Ecosia, you can save up to 2 square meters of rainforest.
Ecosia also protects the privacy of its users by deleting all data received within 48 hours without analyzing them, unlike other search engines that analyze the data to derive user profiles to sell to other companies.