Buongiorno Amazing on people online? Why do we receive so many emails, tweets and Facebook notices that do no more than tout the latest whatever? When will salespeople understand that the art of networking face-to-face is no different than the art of networking online?
Before I share a few tips for salespeople to network with social media, let me emphasize the importance of building a relationship before you try to sell. That process takes longer than most of us think. The funnel of trust online begins with someone clicking onto your site. If they like what they see and there's an opportunity to sign-up or get a freebie, they'll do that. If you come through with quality information either on your blog or with your freebie, then they might purchase a small product from you. If that product proves successful, then they'll move further up the line and buy more. As a salesperson your goal is to get as many people to the site as possible in order to increase the likelihood of creating a buyer. Trust is critical for online networking. It is even more critical than face-to-face networking. Why? If you don't come through in that one second that the person clicks on your site, you've lost. It's over.
Here are some tips for salespeople to network with social media:
Identify the niche you want to network with. It could be sales managers, human resource managers, recruiters. The narrower the niche the better your chances of creating opportunities that will attract buyers.
Share information that you think would be helpful to someone as you might face to face at an event. LinkedIn gives you lots of opportunities to do this in the Discussion section of their groups. Look over the discussions. Can you add anything that might answer someone’s question?
Sign up on other people’s sites. This is like asking for someone’s business card. You also become more aware of that person's needs, wants and interests.
Comment on other people’s blogs. And follow those blogs that give you the best information about your service, your customers or your industry.
Remember networking online takes longer and more patience. But, the opportunities are endless. We'd all rather purchase from a "friend," "connection," or "follower" Than someone who spams us day in and day out.
Good Weekend!
Fabio Cibelle
Founder of Amazing
for them.
Greetings from the heart!
Fabio Cibelle
Founder of Amazing ,
this morning we mark the new book by Mario Silvano "
. Mario Silvano with training in management and sales, and endorsements in the USA, France and Germany, has worked in the field for nearly 20 years as a salesman, area manager and then sales manager. And 'now one of the best known and respected consultants trainers.
The evening, organized by ADIC, was very interesting and Dr. Silvano has always like telling the world of selling through its technical expertise through a lot of experience but above all (what I like best) in the form of wisdom and elegant philosophy.
Method Coaching
replace and supplement traditional training systems. It helps you to discover their potential and find its way to each participant to be and to do to get concrete results and measurable. The Coach is not a general teacher, but a facilitator of learning on your personal goals and results.
I hope you enjoy viewing and as always ...
your sales!
Fabio Cibelle
Founder of Amazing Selling is the Key to Your Freedom
. "
To purchase this book by Mario Silvano
Il Sole 24 ore: www.shopping24. ilsole24ore.com
HOEPLI Library: www.hoepli.it