new books in the library
Susan Hill
I’m the King of the Castle - Penguin RA Hill and
Yehoshua, Abraham
Jew, Israeli, Zionist, concepts to be specified - E / O, 2000
305.8 YEH
Marita Colon-McKenna
The Stone House - Bantam, 2005 And
RA Conlon
Andrea Valente
Under the bench - Fabbri, 2002 RG
I Valente
Hubert Reeves
cosmic evolution - Rizzoli, 1997
523.1 REE
Alain Rey, Sophie Chantreau
Dictionary e xpressions and phrases - Ed Oxford, 2003
441.3 REY
John Steinbeck Tortilla Flat
- Gallimard "Folio", 2004
RA F Steinbeck
Jacques Audiberti
Abraxas - Gallimard "The Imaginary", 1996 RA F
Eugenio Carmi e Umberto Eco Three stories
- Fabbri, 2004 RG
The Carmi
Edward O Wilson
The future of life - Code, 2004
333.95 WIL
Emanuele Fiorini
puzzles and illusions - Armando, 2004 FIO 160
Sven Ortoli
The bathtub of Archimedes - Cortina, 2004
502 S WIT
Piero Graglia
The European Union - Il Mulino, 2005
341.24 GRA
Francesca Brezzi
Dizionario dei termini e dei concetti filosofici – Newton & Compton, 2001
100 BRE
Beatrice Masini
Giù la zip – Fabbri, 2000
RG I Masini
Russell Foster
Rhythms of Life – Profile books, 2005
577 FOS
Marcelo Birmajer
L'anima al diavolo – Mondadori, 2003 The RG
Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm Tales
(1 & 2) - Mondadori RG
The Grimm
Letizia Jaccheri
Heart & Computer - Mondadori, 2004
004 JAC
Emilio Salgari
the south pole in velocipede - Limington, 2005 RA
I Salgari
Graham let me
perfect balance: the great equations of modern science - Basic Books, 2005
511.3 FAR
Serge Enderlin, Serge Michel, Paolo Woods
Pianeta petrolo – Sulle rotte dell’oro nero – Il Saggiatore, 2004
338.2 END
Emilio Salgari
I predoni – Editore Riuniti, 2007
RG I Salgari
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