Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What Color Goes With Black & White Furniture

Hoy en El Pais

Mates: needs to improve

The latest PISA Education concluded that the level of English students in mathematics is "slightly below" .- The other two areas tested, reading and science, they also reveal negative information

level English students 15 years math is "slightly below" in reading comprehension has fallen "quite remarkable" and the science barely changed compared with 2003, according to findings of PISA 2006, released today.
get 461 points in reading comprehension (481 in 2003) and 480 in competition matemática (485 in 2006), mientras that logran 488 in ciencias (487 in 2003), que es materia main última edición del Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de Alumnos (PISA), elaborada in 57 países.

A seguir


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