I'm not a critic nor a REAL journalist who grew up on bread and editors. But when I go around I keep my eyes open and tell you what I see. Can I write crazy shit, but at least we see that in a place I've been there, I ate a dish that a chef I have seen. Today I was in the office all day, and between one thing and another, I have read several articles about restaurants where I had lunch and some stories of the places I visited Panorama Travel or ViaMichelin. The feeling is that many stories to be impersonal and boring because it lacks the eye of the beholder. Indeed, missing the entire body. It seems that some colleagues have never set foot in the place that they are telling. A ceiling has a color, a chef has a personality, some shoes, a watch. The dining room is not only "friendly". Maybe it even has pictures, or a stack or tents made by the chef's wife who helps him in the hall. The newspapers are in crisis and the food "pulls". And even if there is a crisis - thank God - people continue to eat. But how do you tell your food without tasting it? Fault of the directors who no longer send reporters around? Or laziness of editors? Dunno, but today nothing has excited me. Apart Licia granule Sunday (I'm dreaming or pesto?), All the rest ...
was bored!
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